They were ordained and they made a valuable contribution by writing dhamma books is English and also by translating Pali texts into English. Narada Maha Thera translated the Dhammapada and the Abhidhammamarthasanghaha into English with annotations while Piyadassi MahaThera wrote well-known into The Buddha's Ancient Path in addition to many other writings both in Sinhalese and English.10
Venerable Wapola Rahula is also a well-known Sri Lankan Buddhist scholar monk. He was the first chancellor of the Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka. He wrote the books: What the Buddha Taught and The Heritage of the Bhikkhu (1974)
8.2.5 Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw
The Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw (1904-1982) profoundly revered by countless grateful disciples in Burma and abroad. Mahasi Sayadaw's international reputation has attracted numerous visitors and meditators from abroad, some seeking enlightenment for their religious problems and others intent on practicing meditation under the Sayadaw's personal guidance. Among the first meditators from abroad was former British Rear-Admiral E.H. Shattock who came on leave from Singapore and practiced meditation at the Sasana Yeiktha in 1952. On his return to England, he published a book entitled An Experiment in Mindfulness in which he related his experiences in generally appreciative terms. Another foreigner was Mr. Robert Duvo, a French-born American from California. He came and practiced meditation at the Centre first as a lay meditator and later as a bhikkhu. He subsequently published a book in France about his experiences and the satipatuhana Vipassana method. Particular mention should be made of Anagarika Shri Munindra of Buddha Gaya in India, who became a close disciple of Mahasi sayadaw, spending several years with the Sayadaw
10 Opcit. Donald K. Swearer and Somarn Promta,