Distribution of @Cash prepaid cards
The Group distributes @Cash prepaid cards which are used for paying the online game service fees. When gamers buy a @Cash Prepaid card, they will receive a serial number and password for registering the air time, or to exchange for points that can be used as virtual money to buy in-game items, a service which has been made available to all the Group's games across all its operating countries. Each card will have a maximum lifetime of 90 days (for Thailand) and 365 days (for Singapore and Malaysia) from the date of registration. Moreover, the virtual money in the card can also be used to play and buy items from other game publishers that are part of the Group's alliance.
The distribution of @Cash is operated through 2 channels as follows:
Through the distributors
Most prepaid plastic @Cash cards are distributed through the distributors, which account for only 1% of the total sales of @Cash cards in 2012. Most distributors have converted to electronic card systems.
7-Eleven convenient stores: the cards are sold directly to customers at the 7-Eleven stores locating throughout the country.
Computer and game shops such as the network of shops which sell games and related products, game products and computer equipment wholesalers. Such distributors may sell @Cash cards directly to gamers through their own shops or resell to retailers who then sell the cards to gamers.
Internet cafe's: The @Cash cards are sold to gamers to play games in the Internet cafes.
Through electronic means
The Group began selling electronic @Cash cards since 2008. These electronic @Cash cards can be purchased by cash, money transfer, or credit cards through the electronic system, as described below.
Distribution of 1-2 Call, @CashPlus and True Money Cash Card
The company increased its distribution channels through AIS, True and Tesco Lotus, where gamers can top up money to play our game by using 1-2 Call, True Money and @CashPlus through electronic system through the following;
Web sites: including the Group's web sites @Shop and @Cash Online (for @Cafe members only).
Mobile phones: @Cash on Mobile is the sale of electronic @Cash cards via mobile phones and gamers pay by sending an SMS through AIS network for prepaid system
@Cash on E-Pay: This is an electronic payment system. Gamers make payment through the terminal and receive vouchers to pay online game service fee.
1-2-Call Cash Card: This is another distribution channel that the company joint with AIS, the leader in mobile phone operator. Gamers can buy 1-2-Call prepaid card which "@" symbol at the Conner. The card can be used the same as @ Cash card. The group started this service in September 2010.
TrueMoney Cash Card: This is a new distribution channel that company joint with True Corp. Gamers can buy TrueMoney card at Trueshop/Truemove and 7-11 Eleven. This new service has started in September 2012.
@CashPlus Card: This is new distribution channel that company joint with Tesco Lotus, where gamer receive serial code to top up game, and price start from 50-10,000 Baht. Gamer can buy @CashPlus at Tesco Lotus or Lotus Express. This new service has started in September 2012.