''m not perfect and I am not looking for one either...because I know nobody is perfect and in the end what matters most I guess is how well the two of us are going to live together, how well we are going to loved each other and how well we are going to learned each others differences(CULTURE, STILE) and understand each other and how well we are going to hold on together no matter what this so called life may bring us,.. just to stay together and be happy for the rest of our lives.... LOVE is not easy..it needs a lot of work and all the caring to do.!
I just want someone to love and who will enjoy the small things that I do.!(like to make a lot of compliment for no reason, a hug with no intentions, and a smile beacause you love me).!
Ok tonight cannot sleep coz think on you and imagine our first meeting but still don''t know where we have intention to meet understand.?
Maybe you have some idea.? Ok let me hear soon your intention if you have one, ok.?
On this moment I know you sleep already and I envie you.! Ok hug you softly in your dreaming position and say sleep well.!
Hope to have a nice dream of you too tonight.!
Take care in a sunny day tomorrow.!