Organizing projects proposal and Research methodologies (field methods/methods toanalyze data)
Within the internship I did a lot of fieldwork. Because of this I have seen of what aspects youhave to think while organizing a project proposal. Furthermore I have learned how an education program can be set up and what things have to be taken into account. It is important determinethe knowledge present and to adjust the program to each sector. It is of importance to convey anobjective and supported message taking the viewpoints of people into account. I became alsoaware that local people have a lot of knowledge that could help in research and conservation.Before the internship I did not have any experience in organizational survey and I had no idea if it could work. In the future I would like to do some organizational survey.I increased my knowledge on methodologies used to my academic and literature reviewed aboutlabor force and develop some idea which helpful to me. I planned to help in the data analysis of the first cycle victimization survey about vulnerable sector of labor force in Bangladesh. The participation in the baseline survey and writing report in different sector of labor force which ishelpful me to build idea of next project proposal. a little late in my internship period and therewas no time left to do analyses. I would have liked to practice more within my internship, but atthe end I only learned about conducting FGD and report writing and survey report writing andsome other activities like documentation about Migrant workers and OHS of the workers inBangladesh