Description. General appearance shown in Figure 2; meristic and morphometric data of 27 adult type
specimens given in Table 1. Head longer than deep, dorsal profile strongly convex. Snout stout and rounded, longer
than eye diameter. Interorbital area slightly convex. Mouth subterminal. Maxillary reaching vertical of anterior
margin of orbit. Upper lips thick, upper region covered by rostral fold (rostral cap) and lower 1/4 mostly exposed.
Tip of snout with 2−3 irregular transverse rows of 18−40 small and large tubercles; each one occupies a moderate
depression in the dermis. Mouth width about 1.4−1.6 times in maximum HW; no barbels (Fig. 3d).
Body relatively elongate, moderately compressed; caudal peduncle slender and long, about 2.5−3.3 times
longer than deep. Dorsal body profile convex, ventral profile rounded. Lateral line complete, 47−50 scales; 14−17
predorsal scales; 7/1/5 scales in transverse row anterior to pelvic-fin insertion.