If you wish to take an extra piece of luggage, you should purchase an additional travel ticket in advance of travel. This guarantees your luggage space on the bus, which is limited. Additional luggage may not be carried on seats or any other location within the passenger area. Customers presenting additional pieces of luggage without an additional passenger reservation for such at New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC, Boston, Atlanta and all Texas cities will be requested to pay the full walk-up fare for the carriage of additional pieces of luggage. The carriage of additional luggage is at the discretion of the operator or dispatcher and usually dependent on the available space once all legs of the bus journey have been considered. In the interests of safety and the prevention of injury to employees and associates, no pieces of luggage over 50 pounds in weight are allowed - regardless of whether additional reservations have been purchased or not. Medical devices required for travel are carried in addition to the luggage limitations. Childrens strollers may also be carried in addition to the luggage limitations, maximum one per passenger, provided that they are properly folded and capable of being stowed in the luggage compartment.