To ensure that you have the necessary skills to accept, handle and process shipments containing dangerous goods and are able to correctly apply all the provisions of the current edition of the mandatory IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR).
After completing this training, the student should be familiar with the contents of the Dangerous Goods Regulations and will be able to deal with all types of dangerous goods covered by the Dangerous Goods Regulations. Specially, the student will be able to:
- apply the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations correctly;
- understand the legal aspects involved;
- differentiate between shipper's and operator's responsibilities and identify your responsibility;
- identify dangerous goods;
- identify the nine classes of dangerous goods by their principle criteria;
- read the Alphabetical List of Dangerous Goods and apply the information it contains;
- apply the general packing requirements and the specific packing instructions or verify that they have been followed;
- verify that the use of a packaging complies with the limitations of the specification indicated on the package;
- properly mark and label a dangerous goods package or verify the marking or labeling requirements have been met;
- complete a Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods or verify the information provided on the form complies with the Regulations;
- properly enter the appropriate information on the Air Waybill or verify that the information was entered properly
- recognize and apply the appropriate State and/or Operator Variations;
- accept or reject a shipment correctly by use of an acceptance check list;
- follow general emergency procedures when a damaged/leaking package is discovered