The WVP of the starch/CMC films diminished with the increase of
CMC content as can be seen in Fig. 1. The WVP was 2.62×10−7 g/m.h.
Pa for the control sample (0% W/W CMC and 10% CA) and decreased
significantly to 2.45×10−7 g/m.h.Pa and 2.34×10−7 g/m.h.Pa for
the films containing 10 and 15% W/W CMC, respectively. The film
containing 15%W/W CMC has significantly (pb0.05) the lowest
WVP value. However, when the CMC content of the films reached to
20% W/W, theWVPincreased not significantly to 2.38×10−7 g/m.h.Pa.