We currently have an Au Pair from England name Maria. She has been a tremendous help to our busy lives. She is more than happy to provide a reference or speak with people who are interested in staying with us.
We would like our Au Pair to become a part of our family and be someone our children respect and love (like a big sister). It would be lovely for our kids to build a relationship with our Au Pair which continues for many years ahead – someone that maybe our children might go and visit if they decide to travel the world when they are older.
Our Au Pair would work approximately 35 hours per week and some driving will be required (we have a Toyota Carolla for this). The weeks work will include dropping kids off at school and daycare, afterschool care, homework, cooking kids meals, looking after them in the evenings if either of us have to work or have to attend a function etc. There will be some weekend babysitting required also but this will be planned well in advance. Lisa currently works 3 days per week and has the odd night appointment; we intend to keep Hollie in daycare probably three days a week for a maximum of 7 hours. The idea would be the Aupair would attend the Aupair Link Play Group which is great way for them to meet new people.
Final thoughts
We both look forward to welcoming someone into our home and family. We think we are typical New Zealanders who are proud of our country and like to show it off to visitors. We would like to include our Au Pair in some of our family activities if they want to.