Slavenc Mbyl
Please leave a comment with your experiences and whether you liked it or not! ;) Thanks for the feedback guys!!
1 year ago•4
Kimberley Bianca
Insomnia! but that's ok.
6 months ago•
miguel angel castillo solis
a question. this serves to increase the telekinesis?
7 months ago•2
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Pedro Dinani (dinanipedro)
Gamma waves are my favorite binaural beats - very good
4 months ago•2
Slavenc Mbyl
thanks man! Check out my other creations!
4 months ago•1
19:00 sounds beautiful :)
1 month ago•1
Slavenc Mbyl
Add a message to your video
1 year ago•
Earnest Taylor
Oloh Ty Kg l loO mm k MM l 'll
1 year ago•
Roberto Ribeiro
It's the best video for concentration ever! And concentration is good for all. Pls made one 8 hours Thanks
3 months ago•
Slavenc Mbyl
+Roberto Ribeiro I'm quite busy during the semestre, learning and all that, but I will see what I can make! I play on making some long mixes anyway, so you might want to subscribe to me to be notified ;).cya around!
3 months ago•2
Joe Mills
I felt like crying at 4:40, but it felt awesome at the same time ;)
5 months ago•
James Simpson
+Joe Mills i've been there dude. peace
4 months ago•
Constantinescu Vlad
hy where did you get this tone?is there an official page?
3 months ago•
Slavenc Mbyl
+Constantinescu Vlad in the title it says "slavenc". I am the creator of this track ;). there is a free binaural beats page, where you can get the basic binaural beats like 6hz 1hour and all that basic stuff. You won't find these rather specific ones like mine there though.
3 months ago•1
Roberto Ribeiro
Bro +Slavenc Mbyl, it's me again! You have the link for download? This help me so much but I don't have internet in all the places! Obrigado (thanks in brazilian)
2 months ago•
Is there a side affect to this?
4 months ago•
Now I'm starting to feeling a bit painful inside my nerves, strangely comforting.
4 months ago•