Please spend some preparation time looking through your CV.
All interviews will use your CV as the principle structure for the interview. Print off your CV off and sit down with a pen. Working up from the start of your career, look through your CV in detail and write notes in relation to the companies, roles, projects, technologies you have with. Re- familiarise yourself with your career and what you have actually done - what you have found challenging and enjoyed doing to date and of course that which you enjoyed less so.
You are looking for the “war stories” – examples of episodes in your career you are particularly proud of, or examples of things which may be relevant when asked. This can be things which have gone very well, things which have gone badly, or examples of people you have worked with and what the dynamics were.
This exercise will also highlight what you enjoy and where your strengths lie, and is will further allow you to focus on what further opportunities you now want. It will ensure you know exactly what you are looking for in a new role & new company.