I arrived at the airport for my first flight of the evening after a visit with family. My wife, who had taken the same flight the evening before, had informed me that her flight had left on time. This made me think that perhaps my flight also would leave in a timely manner. At flight time, there were no airline employees anywhere in the vicinity of the gate. Not a good sign.
The flight ended up taking off 40 minutes late. This caused me great distress, since my connection to another aircraft in the next airport was supposed to be 40 minutes. Two other individuals on the plane shared the same connecting flight. The three of us begged the flight attendant to call ahead to the next airport and ask that our connecting flight, the last of the evening to our final destination, wait a few minutes for us. The attendant told us that this could not be done; that there was no way of contacting people at the airport. We had the natural expectation that this should have been possible, so we began to feel pangs of dissatisfaction.
The attendant then told us that as soon as we landed, someone on the ground would radio the next gate to ask them to hold our connecting flight. We felt better about that. As we landed (five minutes before our next flight was scheduled to depart), we felt confident that we would make the flight, given the news that ground personnel would radio ahead. Alas, when the plane door opened (this was a commuter flight, and we were let off on the ground), there was nobody there to greet us with a radio. Panic began to set in.
After ten minutes, a bus met us to take us to the terminal. We informed the driver of our plight and asked him to radio ahead. He said that he would, and then, as slowly as possible, reached above his head to grab his microphone. Perhaps 20 seconds passed while he had the microphone in his hand before he attempted to contact anyone. When he finally reached someone and asked them about our connecting flight, he was told that it already had departed. By this time we were angry.