In instances where country laws were not available,
or where verified translations were not accessible
electronically, the next country on the list was selected,
provided the numbers of smokers in both countries were
comparable. In the African and Eastern Mediterranean
regions, where these numbers were far apart, fewer countries
were selected. This led to a final selection of 25 countries:
six countries in the European region, five countries
in the Americas, South-East Asia and Western Pacific
regions, and two countries in the African and Eastern
Mediterranean regions.
In instances where country laws were not available,or where verified translations were not accessibleelectronically, the next country on the list was selected,provided the numbers of smokers in both countries werecomparable. In the African and Eastern Mediterraneanregions, where these numbers were far apart, fewer countrieswere selected. This led to a final selection of 25 countries:six countries in the European region, five countriesin the Americas, South-East Asia and Western Pacificregions, and two countries in the African and EasternMediterranean regions.
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