Harry enter his fourth year at Hogwarts.Later he arrive at Hogwarts, where he find that the magical school will be hosting a legendary event called the Triwizard. Three champions' names come out of the Goblet of Fire, Cedric Diggory from Hogwarts, Viktor Krum from Durmstrang and Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons, and then the goblet unexpectedly produces a fourth, Harry Potter.
The Tournament begins with the first event, in which the four champions must each battle a dragon to retrieve a golden egg. Upon using the Accio spell to summon his broom, he flies out of the arena. The dragon breaks free of its chain and chases Harry through the Hogwarts grounds, where it runs into a stone bridge and falls dead. Harry gets the egg, which, when opened, will reveal a clue about the second task. When Harry opens it, though, only a horrible screeching is heard. Finally, the third task arrives. A huge maze has been set up, in the center of which is the Triwizard Cup. The first to touch the cup wins the task. Dumbledore allows Harry and Cedric to be led into the woods first, because they both received first and second place in the previous task. Both Cedric and Harry grab the cup at the same time. The cup, , which is actually a portkey, sends the two to a graveyard, where Wormtail appears with a form of Voldemort. Upon command, Wormtail kills Cedric and binds Harry to a tombstone. Wormtail performs a spell over a burning cauldron and drops Voldemort into it. A fully revived Voldemort emerges from it and summons the Death Eaters with the Dark Mark. After explaining to them how he lost his powers to Harry, he duels Harry Potter, in which their spells join in a chain. Harry breaks the chain and gets Cedric's body. After grabbing the cup again, he is transported back to the school where everyone learns that the Dark Lord is back and has killed Cedric
This fourth installment is the most dramatic, and also the scariest. Let me just say that all does not necessarily end well...