This study provides a comprehensive examination of technology use in NFEE settings in much
more depth than what has previously been explored in the literature. The findings provide an
inventory of technology integration commonly used in NFEE for job-related productivity, presentation
functions, and utilization of learning technologies to meet the goals of EE. Empirically,
this study reveals many contradictions between the philosophical acceptance of technology integration
with regard to EE pedagogical functions and the reluctance of some NFEEPs to integrate
technology as a component of their NFEE programming that may occur in natural settings. The
findings in this study show that a majority of NFEEPs utilized a variety of productivity software
and presentation tools. However, fewer NFEEPs integrated learning technologies into their instructional
venues, many of which include natural settings, as a means to enhance cognition and
learning in their EE programs.
The factors that influence the decision to incorporate technology into NFEE programming
efforts include advanced education, possession of teaching certification and experience in formal
K–12 settings. These factors also increase the probability that LT will be utilized in instruction.
TAPS score analyses revealed that many NFEEPs have mixed opinions about the benefits of
technology use in relation to the promotion of environmental learning and the development of
emotional connections to the environment. We believe that many NFEEPs may not be aware
of effective learning technologies that can be used to promote EE goals both indoors and outside.
In addition, NFEEPs may have limited exposure to EE programs that successfully integrate
learning technologies while increasing environmental literacy and affect.
Providing further professional development for NFEEPs about the use of technology in field
investigations can potentially increase the technological pedagogical content knowledge and
self-efficacy necessary to successfully adopt technology as a teaching medium rather than a mere
productivity tool (Mishra & Koehler, 2006; van Driel, Verloop, & Vos, 1998). The status of
current technology-based professional development available to NFEEPs is unclear; however, the
majority of the participants indicated that they have never participated in a training session that
discussed integration of technology into NFEE educational efforts.
Future research efforts may include additional studies about technology avoidance and perceived
obstacles in NFEE. Other efforts may investigate the specific uses of existing and newly
emerging learning technologies in different types of NFEE settings or investigate designs of
effective professional development programs that provide supporting structures for learning technology
integration within NFEE.