The operator must appoint a radiation protection adviser in writing.
The radiation protection adviser appointed must possess the necessary spe-cialist expertise to be able to assess and control the X-ray radiation risk.
He or she is also responsible for overseeing the precautions taken to counter the risks associated with X-ray radiation.
The radiation protection adviser is required to do the following:
Arrange for the X-ray equipment to be Authorized by the competent authority pursuant to national regulations.
Arrange for acceptance testing of the X-ray system prior to its initial use.
Provide regular training for operating บุคลากร and service technicians.
Oversee X-ray การปฏิบัติการของระบบ.
Support the operator in ensuring safe operation and that all necessary precautions are taken.
Work with the health and ความปลอดภัย officers in the performance of their duties, including instructing employees on important X-ray radiation protection matters.
Select the protective equipment required.
Participate in the regular X-ray system inspections.
Inform the operator and responsible supervisors about any defects and faults found in the X-ray system.
Communicate and investigate internally any accidents caused by X-ray radiation with assistance from the health and ความปลอดภัย officers.
Arrange for acceptance testing after every system modification that has ความปลอดภัย relevance.
Additional operator obligations specific to the use of X-ray radiation