5.1. Structure gauge
59 transverse sections have been generated on selected distance. Structure gauge control was executed on each
section and additionally in characteristic locations. There have been used equations for structure gauge for tram
tracks according to the PN-K-92009:1998 (Fig. 7). Proper extension for the gauge contour was taken into account
during analyzes on curved part of the track. Curved track centre-lines require extra horizontal clearance both to the
outside and inside of the curved track to allow for the effects caused by the cant elevation and the centre and end
throw of rolling stock. On the horizontal curve it is required to extend by half of the undeveloped spread. It is also
required to lower the bottom edge of the structure gauge on the vertical curve. Executed analyze proved that
structure gauge is kept on all sections of the route. Meanwhile, on 9 sections near the Main Station a transgression of
the gauge was noted. Flagstone of the station platform is located in the structure gauge’s envelope and its elevation
is 0.01 m too high (Fig. 7).
5.2. Geometry of the tram track
In the following part of the study verification of the selected tram track geometry was taken. Analyze covers two
major items: track gauge and cant. Results are presented on Fig. 8. On the cant graph it is possible to recognize
rectilinear and curvilinear sections. Differences in cants between theoretical and as-built parameters are small and
reach 4 and 8 mm for A and B track. Moreover, base description statistics were designated for the differences in
track gauge between real and theoretical value (Table 4). Maximum track gauge deviation is 9.3 mm and is related
to rail side wear on the circular arc.