The static force law for a superball was checked by plotting
the static compression curve in Fig. 5~b! on a log–log
graph, as shown in Fig. 8, indicating that F}x1.32. The fact
that the dynamic compression phase of the golf and superballs
is almost linear is therefore surprising. The dynamic
ball compression, x, was not measured in this experiment.
The dynamic results imply that y is approximately proportional
to x3/2 for the compression of a golf or superball. Such
a result might be obtained, for example, if the ball compresses
symmetrically for small x, so that y;x/2, and asymmetrically
The static force law for a superball was checked by plottingthe static compression curve in Fig. 5~b! on a log–loggraph, as shown in Fig. 8, indicating that F}x1.32. The factthat the dynamic compression phase of the golf and superballsis almost linear is therefore surprising. The dynamicball compression, x, was not measured in this experiment.The dynamic results imply that y is approximately proportionalto x3/2 for the compression of a golf or superball. Sucha result might be obtained, for example, if the ball compressessymmetrically for small x, so that y;x/2, and asymmetrically
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