Asciation of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN, Established by the Bangkok Declaration on August 8, 2510. There are 5 members by the founder countries in South-East Asia, including Thai Malaysia Indonesia-Philippines and Singapore. The Bangkok Declaration signed to establish the Association of cooperation in order to boost the economic growth rate. Social development the cultural development in the countries members of the group. And to maintain the peacekeepers. And stability in the area. And a chance to relax a dispute between some Member countries and the peace of the region of various countries in Asia. In Brunei Darussalam had subsequently become member since January 8, 2527. The socialist republic of Vietnam into a member since July 28, 2538. The Lao People's Democratic Republic/Lao PDR Member since July 23, 2540. Union of Myanmar membership since July 23, 2540. Kingdom of Cambodia into a member since April 30, 2542. In order to complete an ASEAN 10 members countries.