Some other phenolic compounds, including vanillic acid ester,
kaempferol 3-glycoside and gentissic acids were found in GTD and
BTD although as little amounts. It has been reported that D-glucosyl-
kaempferol isolated from Sauropus at a dose of 60 mg/kg
significantly reduced food intake in rats by 15%, resulting in decreases
in body weight and free triglyceride without obvious histopathological
changes [37]. Unlike to synthetic or isolated glucosylkaempferol
compounds, it is difficult to highlight the distinctive
effect of kaempferol from GTD and BTD on the decrease of adiposity
or body weight gains because of the interference of several polyphenolic
compounds present in tea decoctions. However, we can
consider that the anti-adiposity effect of these simple phenolics
present in tea is far lower than that of gallic acid, known for its
powerful action on the modulation of dietary lipids digestion and