I understand that you will not be able to send us the complete data file currently.
Kindly note that you can always send us the Data file at a future convenient date.
You may do so by re-opening this case after it is closed in 2 days as our feature allows you to reopen any case 5 days after it is closed. Once this 48 hours have passed, you may send us your data file by reopening this case within 5 days of its closure.
If however 5 days have passed since the closure of this case, you may reapply to this category and refer this case, Case 244532461, and we will proceed from where we left off.
Please note that the file that you are required to fill in is attached to this mail. Kindly note that the file will be available to download at the bottom of this mail.
I request you to please select the hyperlink titled "Clothing & Accessories template with size charts.xls" to initiate the download of the file.
We look forward to your reply and data file.
Have a wonderful day ahead!