What do we maen by cecenyralisation ? a historical and conceptual overview of federalism’s closest cousin
It is often mentioned in academic bebate that countries like india aad the united states are very centraiosed federations at least in comparsion with countries like Canada and Switzerland which are seen as decentralized but this terminology is confusing the idea of a federal structure is that power has been moved away from the centre at the same time ? there are many answers to this question but for the purposes of this book whose main objective is to look at effects of decentralization in particular in indea we will try to define more precisely the concept and and its relationship with federalism this process should give us a set of analytical tools for the empirical study in Madhya Pradesh and kerala but is bast done by adopting a broader perpective to understand some of core aspects of decentralization and federalism we will quote certain historical exactly is worth studying more closely and what can be expected from decentralization reforms
Without doubt decentralization has been on the political agenda for as long as humans have organized themselves into societies of any complexity the need to delegate or move political and administrative power has presented itself as logical reasons or as an out come of both power strussles and ideogical concerns .