Chapter 11 Summary
Ransom "argues" against his fate as the ransom, or savior, for Perelandra. He argues with The Voice. He comes to realize he is not expected to do anything miraculous, just to do his best. He is not the one fighting evil, but The Voice, Maleldil, is fighting through him. He does not have to be miraculous to win. He realizes an awful truth, that all he has to do is kill the body that was once Weston. The Un-Man has overtaken Weston's body. Ransom remembers from the Biblical account that the evil spirits fear being cast into nothingness. He realizes the Un-Man was only able to overtake Weston because of the moral weakness Weston experienced. If he, Ransom, kills Weston's body, the Un-Man will be sent back to the pits of hell because he will have no dwelling on Perelandra.
After a brief "argument" with The Voice...
The story starts with the philologist Elwin Ransom, some years after his return from Mars at the end of Out of the Silent Planet, receiving a new mission from Oyarsa, the angelic ruler of Mars. Ransom is to travel to Perelandra (Venus), where is located a new Garden of Eden and a new Adam and Eve, to oppose the diabolically-inspired human physicist Professor Weston, who has been sent to corrupt the Eve figure. He is transported in a boxlike vessel seemingly made of ice, which contains only himself.Ransom arrives in Venus, which he finds to be an oceanic paradise. One day is about 23 Earth hours, in contrast to the (roughly) 24 and 25-hour days of Earth and Mars. The sky is golden and very bright but opaque. The sun cannot be seen; hence the night is pitch black with no stars visible.Strange, mythical creatures roam the planetary sweet-water ocean, which is dotted with floating rafts of vegetation.
The story starts with the philologist Elwin Ransom, some years after his return from Mars at the end of Out of the Silent Planet, receiving a new mission from Oyarsa, the angelic ruler of Mars. Ransom is to travel to Perelandra (Venus), where is located a new Garden of Eden and a new Adam and Eve, to oppose the diabolically-inspired human physicist Professor Weston, who has been sent to corrupt the Eve figure. He is transported in a boxlike vessel seemingly made of ice, which contains only himself.Ransom arrives in Venus, which he finds to be an oceanic paradise. One day is about 23 Earth hours, in contrast to the (roughly) 24 and 25-hour days of Earth and Mars. The sky is golden and very bright but opaque. The sun cannot be seen; hence the night is pitch black with no stars visible.Strange, mythical creatures roam the planetary sweet-water ocean, which is dotted with floating rafts of vegetation. These rafts look like small islands, and actually have plant life growing on them and animals living on them; however, having no tectonic foundations, they are in a constant state of motion. A single mountain, called the Fixed Land, exists on the planet.Ransom quickly meets Tinidril, the Queen of the planet; a cheerful being who soon accepts him as a friend. Unlike the inhabitants of Mars in Out of the Silent Planet, she is human; this is said to be the preferred form assumed by civilized animals as a result of the manifestation of the story's God, Maledil, in that form. She and the King of the planet, who is largely unseen until the end, are the only human inhabitants and are the Eve and Adam of their world. They live on the floating rafts Ransom has seen and are forbidden to sleep on the "Fixed Land".The rafts or floating islands are indeed Paradise, not only in the sense that they provide a pleasant and care-free life (until the arrival of Weston) but also in the sense that Ransom is for weeks and months naked in the presence of a beautiful, also naked woman without once lusting after her or being tempted to seduce her.The plot thickens when Professor Weston arrives in a spaceship and lands in a part of the ocean quite close to the Fixed Land. He at first announces that he is a reformed man, but appears to still be in search of power. He pledges allegiance to what he calls the "Life-Force", and subsequently shows signs of demonic possession. Weston finds the Queen and tries to tempt her into defying Maledil's orders by spending a night on the Fixed Land. Ransom, perceiving this, believes that he must act as a counter-tempter.Well versed in the Bible and Christian theology, Ransom realises that if the pristine Queen, who has never heard of Evil, succumbs to Weston's arguments, the Fall of Man will be re-enacted on Perelandra. He does his best during day after day of lengthy arguments illustrating various approaches to temptation, but the demonic Weston shows super-human brilliance in debate (though when "off-duty" he displays moronic, asinine behaviour and small-minded viciousness) and moreover appears in no need of sleep.With the demon/Weston on the verge of winning, the desperate Ransom hears in the night what he gradually realises is a Divine voice, commanding him to physically destroy the Tempter. Ransom is highly reluctant, and debates with the divine (inner) voice for the entire duration of the night. A curious twist is introduced here; whereas the name "Ransom" is derived from the title "Ranolf's Son", it can also refer to a reward given in exchange for a treasured life. Recalling this, and recalling that his God would (and has) sacrifice Himself in a similar situation, Ransom decides to confront the Tempter outright.
บทที่ 11 สรุปกัก "จน" กับชะตากรรมของเขาเป็นกัก หรือเป็นผู้ช่วยให้รอด สำหรับ Perelandra เขาจน ด้วยเสียง เขามารู้ว่า เขาไม่คาดว่าจะทำสิ่งอัศจรรย์ จะทำดีที่สุดของเขา เขาจะไม่หนึ่งต่อสู้ความชั่วร้าย แต่เป็นการต่อสู้เสียง Maleldil ผ่านเขา เขาไม่ได้เป็นอัศจรรย์จะชนะ เขาตระหนักถึงความจริงมาก ที่ทั้งหมดต้องทำคือฆ่าตัวที่เคย Weston สหประชาชาติคนมี overtaken ร่างกายของ Weston ไถ่จดจำจากบัญชีคัมภีร์ว่า วิญญาณชั่วร้ายกลัวลง nothingness เขาตระหนักถึงคนสหประชาชาติได้เท่าแซง Weston เนื่องจากอ่อนแอทางศีลธรรมมีประสบการณ์ Weston ถ้าเขา กัก ฆ่าร่างกายของ Weston มนุษย์สหประชาชาติจะถูกส่งกลับไปหลุมนรกเนื่องจากเขาจะไม่อาศัยอยู่ใน Perelandraหลังจากคำย่อ "อาร์กิวเมนต์" ด้วยเสียง...เรื่องราวเริ่มต้น ด้วย philologist กัก Elwin ปีหลังจากกลับมาจากดาวอังคารเมื่อสิ้นสุดจากโลกเงียบ รับภารกิจใหม่จาก Oyarsa ดาวอังคารเจ้าดา กักคือการ เดินทางไป Perelandra (วีนัส), ซึ่งเป็นห้องพัก Eden ของสวนใหม่ และใหม่อาดัม และ เอวา ปะทะที่แรงบันดาลใจ diabolically มนุษย์ physicist ศาสตราจารย์ Weston ที่ได้ถูกส่งไปเสียหายรูปวัน เขาจะขนในเรือ boxlike ดูเหมือนว่าจะทำน้ำแข็ง ที่ประกอบด้วยเท่านั้นเองไถ่ถึงวีนัส ซึ่งเขาพบว่าเป็น พาราไดซ์เป็นมหาสมุทร วันหนึ่งเป็นชั่วโมงโลกประมาณ 23 ตรงข้ามวัน (ประมาณ) 24 และ 25 ชั่วโมงของโลกและดาวอังคาร ท้องฟ้าเป็นสีทอง และมากสีสันสดใส แต่ทึบแสง ไม่สามารถมองเห็นดวงอาทิตย์ ดังนั้น คืนที่มีสีดำกับดาวไม่เห็นสนามสัตว์ประหลาด ตำนานเดินเตร่ทะเลน้ำหวานดาวเคราะห์ ซึ่งมีการลอยแพของพืช The story starts with the philologist Elwin Ransom, some years after his return from Mars at the end of Out of the Silent Planet, receiving a new mission from Oyarsa, the angelic ruler of Mars. Ransom is to travel to Perelandra (Venus), where is located a new Garden of Eden and a new Adam and Eve, to oppose the diabolically-inspired human physicist Professor Weston, who has been sent to corrupt the Eve figure. He is transported in a boxlike vessel seemingly made of ice, which contains only himself.Ransom arrives in Venus, which he finds to be an oceanic paradise. One day is about 23 Earth hours, in contrast to the (roughly) 24 and 25-hour days of Earth and Mars. The sky is golden and very bright but opaque. The sun cannot be seen; hence the night is pitch black with no stars visible.Strange, mythical creatures roam the planetary sweet-water ocean, which is dotted with floating rafts of vegetation. These rafts look like small islands, and actually have plant life growing on them and animals living on them; however, having no tectonic foundations, they are in a constant state of motion. A single mountain, called the Fixed Land, exists on the planet.Ransom quickly meets Tinidril, the Queen of the planet; a cheerful being who soon accepts him as a friend. Unlike the inhabitants of Mars in Out of the Silent Planet, she is human; this is said to be the preferred form assumed by civilized animals as a result of the manifestation of the story's God, Maledil, in that form. She and the King of the planet, who is largely unseen until the end, are the only human inhabitants and are the Eve and Adam of their world. They live on the floating rafts Ransom has seen and are forbidden to sleep on the "Fixed Land".The rafts or floating islands are indeed Paradise, not only in the sense that they provide a pleasant and care-free life (until the arrival of Weston) but also in the sense that Ransom is for weeks and months naked in the presence of a beautiful, also naked woman without once lusting after her or being tempted to seduce her.The plot thickens when Professor Weston arrives in a spaceship and lands in a part of the ocean quite close to the Fixed Land. He at first announces that he is a reformed man, but appears to still be in search of power. He pledges allegiance to what he calls the "Life-Force", and subsequently shows signs of demonic possession. Weston finds the Queen and tries to tempt her into defying Maledil's orders by spending a night on the Fixed Land. Ransom, perceiving this, believes that he must act as a counter-tempter.Well versed in the Bible and Christian theology, Ransom realises that if the pristine Queen, who has never heard of Evil, succumbs to Weston's arguments, the Fall of Man will be re-enacted on Perelandra. He does his best during day after day of lengthy arguments illustrating various approaches to temptation, but the demonic Weston shows super-human brilliance in debate (though when "off-duty" he displays moronic, asinine behaviour and small-minded viciousness) and moreover appears in no need of sleep.With the demon/Weston on the verge of winning, the desperate Ransom hears in the night what he gradually realises is a Divine voice, commanding him to physically destroy the Tempter. Ransom is highly reluctant, and debates with the divine (inner) voice for the entire duration of the night. A curious twist is introduced here; whereas the name "Ransom" is derived from the title "Ranolf's Son", it can also refer to a reward given in exchange for a treasured life. Recalling this, and recalling that his God would (and has) sacrifice Himself in a similar situation, Ransom decides to confront the Tempter outright.
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