Electrical Lockout/Tagout/Tryout Procedures
I Purpose
To provide a minimum standard by which qualified persons must isolate all potential energy
sources before electrical work can be performed. This applies to all employees, contractors or
other persons doing electrical work at a company location.
2 Policy Requirements
Identify the specific equipment or component to be isolated.
Locate the isolation device and compare the equipment identification number to assure that
the two are a match.
Inform everyone in the immediate work area of your intentions and make sure they are
removed to a safe location.
De-energize/Deactivate all potentially hazardous electrical energy sources and/or block
against unexpected movement or release of stored energy.
Lockout and Tagout — Each person performing electrical work on that equipment must
verify the circuit is de-energized and they must install their own personal lock and tag on the
multi-lock tree or group lock box. (See Notes 2 & 4, Page 2)
Test attempt to operate the piece of equipment or component to verify that it has been
properly isolated and/or immobilized.
• Use the proper device (Voltmeter or Tic Tracer depending upon the Voltage) to test for
absence of voltage. (Verify proper instrument operation before and after testing.)
• Do an assessment to make sure that all possible hazards have been accounted
for and mitigated.
Perform the work safely. Follow site specific Safe Work Procedures where available.
Notify all affected persons when the work has been completed and let them know that you
intend to re-energize the equipment or component.
Remove your lock and tag when;
• the work has been completed and the equipment has been inspected to assure that it
is safe to test or be returned to duty.
• all tools, restraints and testing devices have been removed and properly stored. As
well as any parts, lubricants and other materials have been removed and stored.
• all persons have been cleared from the immediate area and machine guards, where
applicable have been replaced. The only exception to this requirement is when the