Experiment ‘Cart page’ 5.1.
Data for the cart page experiment was gathered between June 20, 2012 and July 6, 2012. In this 17
day time period 58,937 visitors visited the web shop of which 2,736 visitors (4.7%) was displayed one
of the cart page variations. This is taking into account the exclusion of visitors that were shown
multiple variations and visitors that showed anomalies in their cart and checkout pattern. Additionally,
inspection of the data and potential outliers resulted in the identification of one outlier in the ‘cross
sell’ variation where a cart value of over 300 Euros occurred, whereas throughout all variations the
next maximum values were all around 200 Euros. Even though the purchase has been validated, the
case was excluded from the dataset in the ‘value’-base model as there was a clear impact on the
results threatening generalizability. The main characteristics of the main variables in the cart
experiment dataset can be found in Table 5.1 and in 0 for the covariates day of the week, time of day
and cart value.