Smart phones can help students get more organized in school..Most schools now allow students to have cell phones but require them to be turned off during class because they can be disruptive and distracting. Read on for the pros and cons of allowing cell phones in school to help make the right decision for students.
I think cell phones should be allowed in school because if you forget something at home you could call your parents to bring it to school. Like when you forget your homework. Also when your staying at school and you forget to tell your parents that your staying at school, and or you want to go somewhere after school to hang out with your friends.
As in the case of an emergency, a cell phone can be very useful to contact family members or the authorities And sometime have accident but if you have phone you can call your parents your friends or your close relatives.
In the schools case, it would help in studying and researching alone. There is even an program in which students can bring their phone or tablet to school to use for educational purposes, And most importantly, I think students need to take care of the phone and should be used in proper time.
Student should know they shouldn’t use their cell phone in school to play a game, or listen to music, or text their friends. And Cell Phones in School have a Benefits such as Cameras on phones can have educational benefits, giving students the ability to record field trips or school events, to enhace reports with visuals, and to develop photo essays and benefit for students and parents to be in contact with each other.
And next I would like to talk about cons of phone in school. First about lllicit Pictures Kids will be Kids, so with hormones raging during their school day, there is a distinct possibility that some students may take pictures that they shouldn’t be talking. Given that nearly every cell phone these days has a built-in digital camera, it becomes too easy to take a picture of someone without the person even noticing etc.
And important topic is Socioeconomic Diversity. Cell phones can easily become seen as status symbols among students. In some school, it is the more privileged kids that own cell phones or that have the latest phone on the market. This can lead to envy and cause socioeconomic diversity among students etc.
Part I agree that allow students to bring mobile phone to school. Most schools allow students to bring cell phone to school but available when permitted by teacher and, my school is in one of these schools. But some schools with strict rules do not allow cell phones to school. finally l believe these things must be developed from adults..... The End