superintendent of schools in person prior to initiation to initiation of the study. Institutional review board approval was also obtained from the University of Illinois at Chicago. After approval was obtained, 38 questionnaires and letters of explanation describing the purpose of the study, confidentiality, and the rights of the participants, along with a brief description of the procedure to be followed, were distributed to the faculty at an in-service by the elementary school principals. During this in—service, the researcher (first author) was not present; a list was given to the principals instructing them to verbally highlight various points prior to the teachers’ receipt of the survey, such as confidentiality and voluntary participation. In addition, the teachers were instructed to put an “x” at the top of the survey if they had a child with asthma, if they themselves had asthma, if they had cared for a person with asthma, or if they had a degree in health care. The letter of explanation clearly stated that participation was strictly voluntary. The teachers were asked to complete the questionnaires independently without the use of any literature on asthma or the assistance of another individual. Both school principals were present during the completion of the questionnaires. The teachers were asked to place completed questionnaires in a sealed envelope provided with each questionnaire. The sealed envelopes were then returned the principal’s office and placed into a manila envelope and kept in a locked file in the principal’s office during data collection. The questionnaires were anonymous, containing no identifying information. The first author returned the following day to retrieve the questionnaires. Data collection occurred during January 2009.