It's the Best Thing to Do
The global economic crisis had really been a test of endurance for Maryam a personal financial burdens that she had, she thought about the restaurant that she and her husband, John, had established. As a widow, she needed to reconsider her priorities. But could she lay off some of her employees? They had all been with them from day one and loyal and committed to Maryam's Café were However, Maryam realized that she had to explain the tuation so she called a staff meeting She started on a positive note of appreciation for all the efforts her staff had displayed But Everyone looked at one another. Of course, they knew that things had been rough and they were aware of the economical situation but this did not stop their hearts sinking I can't keep up with my payments and I'm afraid I won't be able to pay your salaries thi month. So, unfortunately and regretfully, I must let ten of you go," Maryam explained. "This is even more painful than John's death. I think the best way to do this is to go by seniority There was total silence and a few employees could not hold back their tears. The Café had been their second home and Maryam and John treated them with respect and created a family environment that was not only apparent among the staff but also among the customers Their thoughts were interrupted when Maryam said she would give the names to her accountant and that they would receive a modest gesture. She thanked them once more as she hurried out of the room, feeling like she was going to collapse. No one knew what to say so they all huddled into a team hug. Questions I. Do you think Maryam handled the downsizing appropriately? Comment. 2. What are the problems associated with downsizing and how can be approached? they