1. How do I submit a complaint?
First, choose a Complaint Type. Then, complete the Complaint Form and attach all necessary files as evidence.
After submitting your complaint online, we will proceed with our investigations as soon as possible. Please be aware that Alibaba.com is an online platform that connects buyers and suppliers worldwide. Alibaba.com is not liable or legally responsible for trade disputes. If necessary, please contact your local law enforcement agency to take legal action against the company you have a dispute with.
If you've ordered on AliExpress and your complaint type is 'Payment made. Order not received', 'Products are not as described' or 'Other trade disputes', you need to lodge your complaint on AliExpress. To lodge a complaint on AliExpress :
1.Sign in to 'My Orders'
2.Click 'All orders'
3.Choose the order you want to make a complaint and click 'Open Dispute'
2. What should I do if someone submitted a complaint against me?
View your complaint by signing in to the Complaint Center. To help Alibaba.com resolve the complaint, please provide necessary evidence such as proof of shipment, the original sales contract, communication history, etc. Without evidence from you, Alibaba.com reserves the right to take further action, including cancelling your Membership (after further notice).
Note: If the complaint status is 'Awaiting the other party's response’ or 'Processing', please be patient and wait for further instructions from us. When you are requested for response (usually via email), please sign in to the Complaint Center within the period stated.
3. What should I do after submitting a complaint?
Sign in to the Complaint Center to view the latest update/status of your complaint. Notification emails will also be sent to you asking for your response. We recommend checking your Alibaba.com registered email regularly.
4. Will Alibaba.com help me to solve my problem after submitting a complaint?
Alibaba.com is an online trade platform connecting buyers and suppliers worldwide. Alibaba.com is not liable or legally responsible for trade disputes. If necessary, please contact your local law enforcement agency to take legal action against the company you have a dispute with.
5. I can't respond to all complaints. Why?
Before responding, please check the status of the complaint. If the status is 'Awaiting my response', please click 'Respond now' to submit your response.
Note: If the complaint status is 'Awaiting the other party's response' or 'Processing', please be patient and wait for further instructions from us. When you are requested for response (usually via email), please sign in to the Complaint Center within the period stated.
6. What should I do if I have many files to upload?
If you need to upload several files of the same type, please upload them in a zipped file. All uploaded files will be reviewed by both parties involved. If you do not want the other party to view your evidence, please do not upload them.
7. Status Definition:
Alibaba.com/AliExpress is currently investigating your complaint.
Awaiting my response
You need to respond to the complaint within the period stated. Without appropriate response, Alibaba.com reserves the right to take further action, including cancelling your Membership (after further notice).
Awaiting the other party's response
The other party needs to respond to the complaint within the period stated. Without appropriate response, Alibaba.com reserves the right to take further action, including cancelling their Membership (after further notice).
Case Cancelled
The complaint has been cancelled by you/the other party.
Case Closed
The complaint has been resolved.