A Selection Container can hold Selection List and Range Slider components. To add selection components to a Selection Container, follow the steps below:
1. Drag a Selection Container component from the Component tree onto the Viewsheet grid. This creates an empty Selection Container element.
2. Drag a data field onto the Selection Container. (Use the green highlight to place the field as desired.) You can obtain this field from two sources:
a. Drag a field from the Data Block in the Component tree onto the Selection Container.
b. Drag a field from the Chart Editor onto the Selection Container. This adds the chosen field to the Selection Container as a Selection List (categorical field) or a Range Slider (numerical or date field).
3. (Optional) Right-click on the Selection Container, and select ‘Properties’ from the context menu. This opens the ‘Selection Container Properties’ dialog box.
4. (Optional) To permit the end-user to drag new fields from the Chart Editor to the Selection Container, enable ‘Allow New Selections in Viewer’.