$_LANG['clientareaemailsintrotext'] = "Below is a history of all messages we have sent to you. It allows you to easily read any correspondance relating to your account in case you lose any of your emails.";
$_LANG['clientareaemailssubject'] = "Message Subject";
$_LANG['clientareaerroraddress1'] = "You did not enter your address (line 1)";
$_LANG['clientareaerroraddress12'] = "Your address can only contain letters, numbers and spaces";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorbannedemail'] = "We don't allow users with the email address provider you entered. Please try another email address.";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorcity'] = "You did not enter your city";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorcity2'] = "Your city can only contain letters and spaces";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorcountry'] = "Please choose your country from the drop down box";
$_LANG['clientareaerroremail'] = "You did not enter your email address";