Concern for one’s own or family health was the strongest
predictor of attitudes, the importance of the criterion ‘organically produced’, and purchase intention for the
investigated organic foods. Further, health was an important
predictor of purchase frequency. In regression analyses
including only the three factors based on the likelihood
ratings of perceived consequences of buying organic foods
(Health, Environment, Transportation/Waste), Health was
the strongest predictor of attitudes, purchase intention and
purchase frequency (data not shown). This finding corresponds with results from previous research.Grankvist and
Biel (2001)demonstrated that the belief that eco-labelled
foods are better than conventional foods for one’s own
health was positively correlated with purchase frequency for
eco-labelled milk, meat, potatoes and bread.
Environmental concern is another often stated motive for
purchasing organic foods. In the present study, EFB was a
predictor of attitudes, the importance of the criterion
‘organically produced’, purchase intention, and appeared
to be equally important as health for purchase frequency.
This latter finding may at least partly be a reflection of the
fact that both variables concern self-reported behaviour. Our
results are in accordance with findings from another recent
Swedish study (Grankvist & Biel, 2001) that found a
positive and moderately strong correlation between the
purchase frequency of eco-labelled foods and the perceived
importance of environmental consequences as a purchase
In the present study, age was also a significant
contributor primarily to the prediction of attitudes, but
also to the prediction of the importance of the purchase
criterion ‘organically produced’, purchase intention, and
purchase frequency. These results suggest that younger
respondents are more likely to be positive towards organic
Respondents with a strong intention to purchase organic
foods gave higher likelihood and importance ratings for
perceived positive environmental, human health and animal
welfare consequences than did those with weaker intentions.
This indicates that those with strong intentions perceive
more benefits from purchasing organic foods than do those
with weak intentions.
Our finding that health concern is a better predictor
than concern for the environment indicate that egoistic
motives seem to be stronger than altruistic motives.
Uusitalo (1990) argues that activities in favour of
environmental protection generally increase if a person
can achieve some private side-benefits from the activity at
the same time that (s)he is contributing to the collective
goal. The importance of the egoistic (health) motives may
be due to their perceived individual benefit. Consumers
believing that organic foods are healthier than conventional foods may perceive short-term health consequences
when consuming organic foods. On the contrary, the
effects of performing more EFBs are mostly of a longterm character and the individual may not even benefit
from them during his/her lifetime. Further, egoistic
(health) benefits can be achieved by the individual him/herself, whereas the goal of improving the environment
presupposes a collective effort.
A majority of the respondents reported frequent
recycling of packages, newspapers/papers and batteries.
However, we have previously reported that only a
relatively small proportion (8 –13%) reported purchasing
organic foods frequently (Magnusson et al., 2001). Thus,
consumers appear to be more willing to perform altruistic
behaviours in the area of recycling than in the area of food
choice. This finding is in accordance with results from
another Swedish survey (Grankvist, 2001). There are some
obvious differences between these categories of behaviour
that may explain the demonstrated discrepancy. Recycling
implies negligible economic and only small behavioural
costs and the alternative to recycling (leaving everything in
the garbage) may appear morally unacceptable. Also, in
Sweden, money is refunded at the return of glass/PET
bottles and aluminium cans. Organic foods may have
premium prices and may not be readily available, and
alternative behaviours represent established purchase and
consumption habits. We have previously demonstrated that
‘organically produced’ was stated to be the least important
criterion for the purchase of milk, meat, potatoes and
bread, and that the most important purchase criteria (‘good
taste’, ‘long shelf-life’, and ‘healthy’) do not match the
most common beliefs about organic foods (‘more expensive’ and ‘healthy’) very well (Magnusson et al., 2001).
Thus, it is not likely that a majority of consumers are
willing to pay more for foods they do not think taste better.
Other factors that may help explain the discrepancy
between recycling and food choice are that eating implies
incorporation of material into our bodies and that eating is
strongly influenced by affective factors.Rozin (1990)has
pointed out that eating is a highly personal, potentially
threatening activity since it involves incorporation of
material from the outside world into our bodies.Birch
(1981) argues that eating behaviour is very resistant to
change because it is characterised by powerful affective,
apparently non-cognitive components that are not easily
influenced by information, not even information about
contingencies or consequences. Thus, establishment of
‘environmental concerns’ as a purchase motive in the food
sector is made difficult by the fact that food-related
behaviours differ in fundamental respects from e.g.
recycling behaviour.
The same methodology (length of questionnaire, reminders, incentive) in other studies of random samples of the
Swedish population has resulted in a 12– 15% higher
response rate (unpublished data). One reason for the lower
response rate in the present study may be that a large
proportion of people are not particularly interested in or
have limited knowledge of organic foods. In previous
studies, the themes have dealt with more familiar topics
(e.g. attitudes to milk).
In conclusion, perceived health benefits were demonstrated to be more strongly related to attitudes and behaviour towards organic foods than were perceived environmental
benefits. This supports the notion that egoistic motives are
better predictors of the purchase of foods than are altruistic
motives. However, the frequency of performance of EFBs
also contributed to the prediction of purchase of organic
foods. Thus, behaviour – behaviour correlations seem to be
stronger than ‘belief’-behaviour correlations in the context
of environmental concerns.
ความกังวลหนึ่งของหรือสุขภาพครอบครัวแข็งแกร่งที่สุดผู้ทายผลของทัศนคติ ความสำคัญของเกณฑ์ 'organically ผลิต' และความตั้งใจซื้อสำหรับการตรวจสอบอาหารอินทรีย์ เพิ่มเติม สุขภาพเป็นสำคัญผู้ทายผลของความถี่ในการซื้อ ในการวิเคราะห์การถดถอยรวมเฉพาะปัจจัย 3 ประการตามโอกาสการจัดอันดับของรับรู้ผลกระทบของการซื้ออาหารอินทรีย์(สุขภาพ สิ่งแวดล้อม ขนส่ง/เสีย), มีสุขภาพจำนวนประตูที่แข็งแกร่งของทัศนคติ ความตั้งใจซื้อ และซื้อความถี่ (ข้อมูลไม่แสดง) ค้นหานี้สอดคล้องกับผลจากงานวิจัยก่อนหน้านี้ Grankvist และบีล (2001) แสดงที่เชื่อว่าโคมันอาหารจะดีกว่าอาหารทั่วไปสำหรับตัวเองสุขภาพถูกบวก correlated กับซื้อความถี่ในมันโคนม เนื้อ มันฝรั่ง และขนมปังความกังวลด้านสิ่งแวดล้อมเป็นแรงจูงใจอื่นที่มักจะระบุไว้ในซื้ออาหารอินทรีย์ ในการศึกษาปัจจุบัน EFB ถูกผู้ทายผลของทัศนคติ ความสำคัญของเกณฑ์'organically ผลิต' ซื้อตั้งใจ และปรากฏเป็นสิ่งสำคัญเป็นสุขภาพสำหรับความถี่ในการซื้อหลังนี้หาพฤษภาคมน้อยบางส่วนจะสะท้อนให้เห็นถึงการความจริงที่ว่า ตัวแปรทั้งสองเกี่ยวข้องพฤติกรรมการรายงานด้วยตนเอง ของเราผลลัพธ์ตรงกับผลการวิจัยจากล่าสุดภาษาสวีเดนศึกษา (Grankvist และบีล 2001) ที่พบเป็นบวก และค่อนข้างแข็งแรงความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างการซื้อความถี่ของอาหารมันสิ่งแวดล้อมและการรับรู้ความสำคัญของผลกระทบสิ่งแวดล้อมเป็นการซื้อเกณฑ์การในการศึกษาปัจจุบัน อายุยังเป็นสำคัญหลักในการพยากรณ์ของทัศนคติ แต่นอกจากนี้การคาดเดาความสำคัญของการซื้อเกณฑ์ 'organically ผลิต' ความตั้งใจ ซื้อ และความถี่ในการซื้อ ผลลัพธ์เหล่านี้แนะนำที่อายุน้อยกว่าผู้ตอบมีแนวโน้มที่เป็นบวกต่ออินทรีย์อาหารตอบ ด้วยมุ่งซื้ออินทรีย์ประเมินโอกาสและความสำคัญสูงสำหรับให้อาหารรับรู้บวกมนุษย์ สิ่งแวดล้อมสุขภาพและสัตว์สวัสดิการผลกระทบมากกว่าไม่ได้มีความตั้งใจที่แข็งแกร่งบ่งชี้ว่า ผู้ที่ มีความตั้งใจที่แข็งแรงสังเกตประโยชน์จากการซื้ออาหารอินทรีย์ต่างให้ผู้มีความตั้งใจที่อ่อนแอความกังวลว่าสุขภาพของเราค้นหามีจำนวนประตูดีกว่ากว่าสิ่งแวดล้อมระบุว่า egoisticไม่สนคำครหาที่ดูเหมือนจะแข็งแกร่งกว่า altruistic ไม่สนคำครหาUusitalo (1990) จนที่กิจกรรมใน favour ของป้องกันสิ่งแวดล้อมโดยทั่วไปเพิ่มบุคคลสามารถบรรลุบางส่วนด้านประโยชน์จากกิจกรรมที่เวลาเดียวกัน (s) ที่เขาจะสนับสนุนกลุ่มเป้าหมาย ความสำคัญของการไม่สนคำครหา egoistic (สุขภาพ) อาจเป็น เพราะประโยชน์ของแต่ละของพวกเขารับรู้ ผู้บริโภคเชื่อว่า อาหารอินทรีย์มีสุขภาพดีกว่าอาหารธรรมดาอาจสังเกตผลกระทบสุขภาพระยะสั้นwhen consuming organic foods. On the contrary, theeffects of performing more EFBs are mostly of a longterm character and the individual may not even benefitfrom them during his/her lifetime. Further, egoistic(health) benefits can be achieved by the individual him/herself, whereas the goal of improving the environmentpresupposes a collective effort.A majority of the respondents reported frequentrecycling of packages, newspapers/papers and batteries.However, we have previously reported that only arelatively small proportion (8 –13%) reported purchasingorganic foods frequently (Magnusson et al., 2001). Thus,consumers appear to be more willing to perform altruisticbehaviours in the area of recycling than in the area of foodchoice. This finding is in accordance with results fromanother Swedish survey (Grankvist, 2001). There are someobvious differences between these categories of behaviourthat may explain the demonstrated discrepancy. Recyclingimplies negligible economic and only small behaviouralcosts and the alternative to recycling (leaving everything inthe garbage) may appear morally unacceptable. Also, inSweden, money is refunded at the return of glass/PETbottles and aluminium cans. Organic foods may havepremium prices and may not be readily available, andalternative behaviours represent established purchase andconsumption habits. We have previously demonstrated that‘organically produced’ was stated to be the least importantcriterion for the purchase of milk, meat, potatoes andbread, and that the most important purchase criteria (‘goodtaste’, ‘long shelf-life’, and ‘healthy’) do not match themost common beliefs about organic foods (‘more expensive’ and ‘healthy’) very well (Magnusson et al., 2001).Thus, it is not likely that a majority of consumers arewilling to pay more for foods they do not think taste better.Other factors that may help explain the discrepancybetween recycling and food choice are that eating impliesincorporation of material into our bodies and that eating isstrongly influenced by affective factors.Rozin (1990)haspointed out that eating is a highly personal, potentiallythreatening activity since it involves incorporation ofmaterial from the outside world into our bodies.Birch(1981) argues that eating behaviour is very resistant tochange because it is characterised by powerful affective,apparently non-cognitive components that are not easilyinfluenced by information, not even information aboutcontingencies or consequences. Thus, establishment of‘environmental concerns’ as a purchase motive in the foodsector is made difficult by the fact that food-relatedbehaviours differ in fundamental respects from e.g.recycling behaviour.The same methodology (length of questionnaire, reminders, incentive) in other studies of random samples of theSwedish population has resulted in a 12– 15% higherresponse rate (unpublished data). One reason for the lowerresponse rate in the present study may be that a largeproportion of people are not particularly interested in orhave limited knowledge of organic foods. In previousstudies, the themes have dealt with more familiar topics(e.g. attitudes to milk).In conclusion, perceived health benefits were demonstrated to be more strongly related to attitudes and behaviour towards organic foods than were perceived environmentalbenefits. This supports the notion that egoistic motives arebetter predictors of the purchase of foods than are altruisticmotives. However, the frequency of performance of EFBsalso contributed to the prediction of purchase of organicfoods. Thus, behaviour – behaviour correlations seem to bestronger than ‘belief’-behaviour correlations in the contextof environmental concerns.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
