Power - Photovoltaic - 0.4 kW - Off-grid
Template assignment
Base case
A remote monitoring and control system draws around 15 W DC continuously
There is an access road and power distribution line nearby
Cost of grid extension (plus AC-DC converter and a small uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system) is $6,000
The utility charges a monthly fixed rate of $15 plus $0.065/kWh consumed
Proposed case
Power supplied by photovoltaic array charging a battery
To ensure reliable power, a battery with 10 days of autonomy is used
Battery voltage is 24V
Battery efficiency is 80%, maximum depth of discharge is 80%
Charge controller efficiency is 99%
The battery is located outside and is subject to fluctuations in outdoor (ambient) temperature
Battery capacity is 214 Ah
Battery costs $250/kWh of capacity, plus installation cost of $500
Solar tracking mode is fixed and the slope of the PV array is 60º, facing equator
Photovoltaic type is monocrystalline silicon
Photovoltaic capacity is 0.4 kW, efficiency is 14.0%
Cost of PV array (including charge controller, mounting racks, etc.) is $10,000/kW installed
Photovoltaic control method is clamped
Photovoltaic miscellaneous losses are around 7%
Maintenance costs are the same as in the base case
The worked-out solution is the data file selected from within the RETScreen Project Database. The user automatically downloads the Project Database file while downloading the RETScreen software.