Spas might lose the caring touch they are known for as the are influenced by the medical arena in which tech trumps high touch resulting in significant d epersonalization. If indigenous practices are not honored, the spa experience could become less meaningful, another negative result of globalization. Large brands focused primarily on generating profits may suppress the soul of the spa experience which was birthed by entrepreneurs who nurtured and grew their businesses slowly Worldwide catastrophes such as war, terrorism, environmen tal disaster or a nuclear holocaust could change civilization so radically that spas would no longer be relevant. Should a more successful way for people to reduce stress emerge or if the spa experience would be taken over by a new business model, the industry may find itself overshadowed completely. Benchmarketing efforts, educational programs and wide. spread support for sustainable practices are just a few ways that the spa industry has already adapted to face the possible onset of some of the troubling trends list above. As long as demand continues to grow and quality supply does not exceed demand, the global spa industry's future looks promising.