The Ministry of Interior (MOI) has been one of the most powerful bureaucracies in Thailand. In fact, it is second only to the military, which overly or covertly ruled the country for the most of time after the revolution of 1932. The result of the revolution changed the country’s political power and administrative structure from absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy. In 1952, the MOI was able to exercise its strong power through the ministerial announcement that enabled it to classify some geographical areas that were of interest to the ministry as the Sanitary Areas. This was the reincarnation of the previously defunct Sanitary Areas. The only difference was that this time it was born with a much stronger ruling power from the legal legitimacy of being a juristic person. The district office chief was delegated full power to head the Sanitary Area. This appointment facilitated the management arm of the provincial governor. Both officers were appointed by the central government in Bangkok. The MOI used this form of Sanitation Area as a public relations gimmick, it not official propaganda device, to miss-lead the people to believe that this was truly self-governing. This was a Machiavellian gesture that caused people believe that local administration power was in the hands of the people. The gesture succeeded in part because people could see that their village headmen and Kamnan (chief of village headman) were from their own neighborhood. These were appointed to serve as committee member for the Sanitation Area.