Inquiries from the village of Jai khamphan uncle who lived in the village since the children, because grandmother's uncle become the first team to build houses in villages near rice paddies of family. From the information that you provide to tell Uncle guessing whether people start coming to pioneer new homes to approximately 90 years. In the early establishment of the village came up with villagers lived approximately 30 homes by area in the village is rice paddies, and thereafter began to have people move increasingly live to start farming a few residual drops to Rai. When about 70 years ago, starting with electricity and water supply comes in. When approximately 2532 (1989), or approximately 20 years ago began to build roads into the village because the villagers have started to have a lot more and the car began to work more and more, as well as the vehicle used in agriculture instead of sai in the past and when 4-5 years ago.Astor began Internet wiring coming into the village. In the first part the Internet rarely very popular because it is expensive and needed to have a little. Children in the village will have to go to school in a nearby village because the village in the area has quite a few children need to have only one child in most schools in the village are assembled and then cycling to school together every day, and today the villagers live.The village is approximately 80 homes, villagers and aid dependency. To lend unity to work out comes and tells the story of an uncle then realized that prosperity in the village, the villagers get more comfort. People in the village, there is increasing, but the offspring of the people in the village began to move to work in a big city, but when the villagers come to residential areas to create more housing, but when there is no space to call Renee to create a housing make the existing natural decline and bring prosperity to replace.
The present, village still forms of rural community.