Technology is disrupting children’s learning. Grades drop drastically when they’ve been watching too many TV shows instead of doing homework. Using text language has a negative effect on their English, particularly spelling. Plagiarism is more abundant than ever before.
Dishonesty increases as access to illegal music, games, movies etc. is so much easier and addicts often lie about the amount of time spent online.
People struggle to put down their devices which results in negative impacts on behaviour such as becoming angry, tense or depressed, lack of sleep and fatigue, increased irritability and arguments; relationships with friends and family also start taking strain.
Technology often becomes an escape. People feel bored or listless which makes it easy to make a beeline to the computer and surf the net. Often people’s worst fear is being alone with their own thoughts and feelings. Technology distracts us from ourselves. It keeps us from feeling and healing our inner pain.
Watching too much television has been linked to an increase in diabetes and obesity and a further host of negative affects abound in the workplace.