think about what your family buys
if you buy things that can be used over and over instead of buying disposable items that are used once and then thrown away, you will save precious natural resources. you'll also have energy used to make them, and you'll reduce the amount of landfill space we need when they are thrown away.
those same savings happen you buy things that will last instead of breaking right away. wall made item may cost a little more to begin with buy they are usually worth the money because they last for long time, and you don't have to replace them.
when your family goes shopping, think about taking bags with you. only about 700 paper bags can be made from one 15 year old tree. a large grocery store can use that many bags before lunch. plastic bags start out as either oil or natural gas. oil and natural gas are non renewable resources. this means they can't be reused, and when they are all gone, they are gone forever. and throw away bags add a lot of pollution to the environment. if plastic and paper bags are used once and go to landfills, they stay there for hundreds of years some stores offer discounts for people who use their own bags. for every bag reused, they give money back usually about five cents for each bag.
with your parents, pick a spot in your house to store bags that you get from the grocery store. these bags can be used to carry things to friends houses or for trash linings. after bags wear out recycle them.