2. Materials and methods
2.1. Mahula flowers
Fresh mahula flowers were collected from the forests of the
Keonjhar District of Orissa, India, during March–April, 2007. The
flowers were brought to the Microbiology Laboratory of CTCRI,
washed in tap water to get rid of dust and other debris and sundried
in the open for 7 days to reduce the moisture content to
16–18.6%. The sun-dried flowers collected from various locations
were mixed thoroughly before being used for ethanol fermentation.
The flowers have the following compositions (expressed in
g 100 g1 dry weight basis): moisture, 24–25.85; starch, 0.94–
0.95; total sugar (glucose, fructose, fructose, sucrose and maltose),
36–38; crude protein, 6–7; crude fiber, 10.0–12.5; total ash, 1.6–
2.0; undetermined solids, 10.6–13.7; and pH 4.5–4.8.
2. Materials and methods2.1. Mahula flowersFresh mahula flowers were collected from the forests of theKeonjhar District of Orissa, India, during March–April, 2007. Theflowers were brought to the Microbiology Laboratory of CTCRI,washed in tap water to get rid of dust and other debris and sundriedin the open for 7 days to reduce the moisture content to16–18.6%. The sun-dried flowers collected from various locationswere mixed thoroughly before being used for ethanol fermentation.The flowers have the following compositions (expressed ing 100 g1 dry weight basis): moisture, 24–25.85; starch, 0.94–0.95; total sugar (glucose, fructose, fructose, sucrose and maltose),36–38; crude protein, 6–7; crude fiber, 10.0–12.5; total ash, 1.6–2.0; undetermined solids, 10.6–13.7; and pH 4.5–4.8.
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