Discussion of “Top Friends Conflict”:
Top Friends could be considered as an engaging element on
Myspace. It led both advantage and disadvantage. If the
disadvantage was a big amount of problems, the social
networking site or the organization should find the way to
solve it correctly. To increase the number of Top Friends was
not the best way to solve the problem. It could temporary
solve the problem, or it could make the original friends on Top
Friends feel like they were unimportant. Since the problem
was created by this element, this element should be simply
removed by a simple command which everyone were able to
work with it.
B.Friendship: Sincerity or Friend is only number.
Levine & Madsen (2011) studied about to use Myspace to
reach the youth of color with HIV infection. They found that
Myspace communication could make these people feel at
home. They talked with their friends in Myspace, and
Myspace also allowed the users to decorate their own profile
pages, as if they decorated and painted their own houses.
Although some people needed a real friendship or sincerity
in Myspace, many users did not treat them the same way as
expected. The famous people, the music-related people and
the band profile accepted every friend request, and they did
not like private profile, because they could not add them easily
(Rossi, 2010). Some of them also used the software,
Friendblaster to add more friends every day. Friendblaster
only needed a list of Myspace friendID to add everyone in the
list without visiting the actual profile page. How fast the
friendship created among Myspace accounts did not match
Japanese tradition. Takahashi (2008) stated that Myspace was
too aggressive for Japanese people. Japanese people would use
Myspace only to update about music, improve their English
skill and to communicate with other people who did not have
Mixi account. Mixi was a social networking site commonly
used in Japan which was considered as a sincere online
Discussion of “Friendship” in Myspace:
The researcher believes that in every social network contains
both sincere users and the users who only need to increase the
number of connections. Today the privacy settings and the
channel to add one as the connection could be the best
solution. For example, LINE users need to have the LINE id
or the QR code to add someone as a friend, the LinkedIn users
need to have the e-mail address of someone they need to add
as a connection, and Facebook users can control the level of
people who are able to add them as friends.