Must be treated with the patient approached and confronted (exposure therapy) with misfortune, and that repeated stimuli by incrementally
ต้องรักษาด้วยการให้ผู้ป่วยเข้าหาและเผชิญหน้า (exposure therapy) กับเหตุร้ายและสิ่งกระตุ้นนั้นซ้ำแล้วซ้ำอีกโดยทำแบบค่อยเป็นค่อยไป .
Must be treated with the patient to find and confront the terrorist incident (exposure therapy) and what stimulates them again by gradually? .
Group therapy
For some patients group support, often in the setting of a day hospital,
is a good means of meeting and working through problems including
dependency needs. It is often less intense than one to one therapy, and
less likely to lead to regression. Groups can help some older people with
social functioning, especially those who have been isolated. Some special
difficulties with group therapy in the elderly include deafness and
somnolence. Avoiding meeting after heavy meals; using comfortable but
supportive chairs; a well ventilated room; and a minimum of extraneous
noise, help to keep everyone awake and able to hear. Meetings should
not run for longer than half an hour.
Dobson & Culhane (1991) describe a therapeutic group run for older
women. They emphasise the importance of having a clear purpose for a
group and considering selection criteria carefully. In the early stages,
rules such as not talking while others do, and valuing others’ contributions,
helped to harness good intentions. Finances, losses and reminiscences
were powerful themes. The group ended after plenty of notice had been
given, and a photograph taken on the penultimate session. The leader’s
responsibilities are defined in Box 17.3.
Family therapy
Most informal carers are close family members, and the problems shown
by an older family member may reflect family pathology. Family therapy
remains primarily associated with helping children, but there are now a number of established examples of its application to older people
(Brubaker, 1985). The adaptations required are relatively minor, although
they include all the general rules for involving older people in
psychological treatments (Box 17.1). There may be problems with
communication, for example deafness or poor vision, which can
compound the effects of ageing in reducing information processing
capacity. The overall effect is to make demanding tasks such as therapy
very difficult. Physical or mental illness can be used to scapegoat the
older person. Conversely, symptoms of physical illness can be accentuated
or become an important vehicle for the older person’s status and power
(West & Spinks, 1988) (Box 17.4)
(a) The family life cycle – looking at how families evolve. Key issues
in later family life include retirement and becoming a grandparent.
(b) Cross-generational interplay – life cycle changes in different
generations may not ‘fit’. One generation may be more family
orientated (e.g. during childbirth) while others are more outward
looking (e.g. early retirement). Expectations may vary across the
(c) Genograms – drawing a family tree is a useful way of collecting,
organising and considering family information.
(d) Circular questions – these are in terms of relationships. Examples
include, “If your mother says this, what does your brother do?” or
“who in the family would this affect?”
(e) Reflecting teams – members of the multi-disciplinary team talk about
the family while they listen, offering different perspectives.
Family problems are common in the elderly
Serious illness and impending death have major effects on the
Carer stress is very common
Responsibility for older members can cause guilt in those not
Family myths may need to be explored
Illness can be used to bond the family together
Low key family meetings can be very useful
High expressed emotion includes criticism and overinvolvement
Anxiety management