Variation in yoghurts proximate composition was due to differences in formulation and the compositional difference between
carrot juice and base milk used. Addition of carrot juice had a
dilution effect on yoghurt composition and this was due to high
moisture content of the carrot juice. Information regarding proximate composition of yoghurt is mandatory from legal requirement
since it gives information on the product nutritional quality. In
addition, microbiological and sensory properties of the product are
dependent on proximate composition. According toCOMESA/ECA
(2004)on East African Standard, yoghurt should have a minimum
total SNF content of 8.2% (w/w). Whereas, in Codex (2011)was
stated a minimum of 2.7% protein and a milk fat (%w/w) content of
less than 15. Hence, all yoghurt samples in this study satisfy these