L4-5:Grade I retrolisthesis with diffuse bulging disc. Lt.posterolateral focal disc protrusion. and osteophyte causing moderate narrowing of central canal and both sided neuroforaminae there is a 1.7 x 0.7 x 1.3 cm rim-enhancing Lt.anterrolateral epidural lesion. Just postenor to L5 body. causing severe compression of the Lt.sided L5 traversing nerve root. vascularized migratory disc fragment is considered
L5-S1: No disc protrusion or narrowing of central canal and both sided neuroforaminae No paravertebral soft tissue mass is detected
IMPRESSION: - Lumbosacral transitional vertebra (sacralization). type lla according to Castellvi classification
- Degenerative change of the lumbar spine with grade I retrolisthesis of L4-5 causing central canai and neuroforaminal compromise as desscibed above. the most narrowing level is at L5 secondary to vascularized migratory disc fragment from L4-5 level causing severe compression of the Lt.sided L5 traversing nerve root.