Dear Dino:
Please send me Mint's e-mail address; I have been trying to communicate with her at:
and the messages are not going through.
As District YEO for D6840, I try to keep a strict rule that students and I communicate directly -- not her parents or her host parents -- this is Mint's exchange and she needs to be responsible for making sure I have all of the information I have requested. Below is an e-mail I sent 2 days ago that was not delivered to Mint.
Can you please send it to her and ask her to reply directly to me?
Many thanks,
Elizabeth Van Sant
Dear Students:
I write once again to welcome you to District 6840.
I am the Rotary District Youth Exchange Officer for D6840 and also a ROTEX.
As soon as you read this e-mail, find the Welcome Packet I sent and READ IT.
I asked you send me your flight information. Send it now.
Some of you needed to provided additional paperwork or get more vaccinations. Send documentation now.
If you have gotten a new passport, send me a copy now.
If you are having trouble getting your US visa, write to me now.
Make sure you know the Program Rules and agree to them.
Make sure you and your parents understand the "Parent Pledge of Immersion Support" and sign the form and send it to me now.
If you have a different e-mail address you would like to use, send it to me now; we need to sign you up to our database and for that we need an e-mail address (not one you share with anyone else).
Rotary Youth Exchange only works when you, the student, understand that you are a ROTARY Youth Exchange Student. That means that you work for Rotary every day. And I am your boss! When I ask you to write to me or send me information, you need to do it. Not your parents and not your host family and not your Rotary Counselor -- YOU are the only person responsible.
I look forward to meeting each one of you, helping guide you during this incredible year, and learning a lot about you and how you view the world.