V identifies product and service offerings to enter new
markets, attract new customers, and create opportunities to
expand relationships with current customers primarily through
higher-headquarters initiatives and plans and by the gathering of
data on disease incidence and needs of the Veteran population.
Statistical and actuarial data analysis, projections of DoD personnel
leaving active duty and becoming Veterans, and economic
information for the VI help predict eligibility and the specific
needs for health care, benefits, and memorial services. This robust
analysis is conducted annually as part of the environmental scan
in the SPP. DataFACTS, process owners, clinicians, and leadership
monitor data and communication channels to determine when
off-cycle adjustments may be needed to adapt current services to
better address Veteran needs. The PACT model of care delivery
fosters relationships, so that teams can reach out to Veterans with
new benefits and health care services as they become available,
rather than the Veteran needing to seek information from C4
This supports the C4
V core competency of Veteran-centric care