In the appearance of Tantai Xuan beautiful face beautiful woman crimson piece, what a pity nobody can see such scene, is tranquil to Qing Shui that side, her feeling slowly abates, moreover now can seal up divine consciousness and sensation.
She does not know that even her a little strange oneself, she feared that is own reason, her heart cannot be tranquil, a virgin sees such scene, is similar she to stand in their room looks to be the same, gives her impact life unable to wash off.
All these Qing Shui do not know, if he knows that will certainly suspect has the relations with the beautiful woman chart, in addition is unable to explain this situation radically, but does not know that he knows how he looked at the live palace of the crown prince to think
Yu Ruyan has gone off obscurely, she was too tired, on the face is hanging the happy satisfied smiling face, was protected, the feeling of loved is very good, how is also a woman, the human to fear again lonely.
Thinks lonely, Qing Shui thinks that previous generation something, an old person got sick, the hospitalization later saw before other patient , the family member are many, the children come to see them frequently, this old person is very rich, but is nobody comes to see him.
Afterward the old person got better, but was the clothing sleeping pill has actually committed suicide, if the average person had the big sickness to be able from the hospital to come out certainly to thank heaven and earth, but the old person the situation that can leave the hospital in the hospital notice tomorrow the previous day of suicide.
The will that finally leaves knows that the old person committed suicide is too lonely, because he did not have the children, the spouse also early walked, even if an alone person going home in has not been angry, this world was unable to let the thing that he worried.
This belt Yu Ruyan is fears her to be lonely, she left Duanmu Family, daughter also Cheng Family, therefore Qing Shui will lead her to come, is she prompts forward the relations, the advancement of making an effort, making in her heart engrave itself, worries itself, in the heart will have the talented person of worrying not to be lonely, because some of her also people can think.
Bends down to cherish one's relatives her forehead, then gently walked directly to enter Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal, now under also a little time, Qing Shui goes to probably study that Black Tortoise deck.
Black Tortoise deck type of thing it is said is the deck on Black Tortoise kyphosis, the Black Tortoise turtle is one type monster beast that has in the fable the Black Tortoise bloodline, according to the degree of bloodline, minute a motley collection, Tantai Xuan gives his, although is not big, but the quality is good, the quality of Black Tortoise deck is not the size decides.
Saw that this Black Tortoise deck Qing Shui saw the spirit snake turtle in basin, the spirit snake turtle is the day earth deities plants, but felt that should not have the Black Tortoise turtle to be formidable.
Qing Shui Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal has prepared some clothes Armor, is not specially many, has war Armor and war skirt, these clothes Armor are Qing Shui at present best material forging, above is carving Talisman Spell.
Now what Qing Shui must do is quenchings with this Black Tortoise This this clothes Armor, as for can quenching several not saying that first tries, look has the effect.
Qing Shui not has been very satisfied to these clothes Armor, because is Qing Shui this degree, the functions of these clothes Armor can only improve on perfection.
Qing Shui looks with Heavenly Eye Technique first to the Black Tortoise deck!
The Black Tortoise deck, the deck of Black Tortoise turtle, has formidable „human body” some defenses and spiritual defense capabilities, forge the material, cannot directly use, needs and smelting forging use.
This thing is mainly increases human body defense, few that the spiritual defense increases, but Qing Shui felt that this thing is very suitable oneself, because have the arhat bead and spirit snake turtle, the psychic force will attack itself to be weakened 70%, the most preliminary country master, if will attack oneself him to resist with the psychic force.