Thai Education Minister: Thai education resembles North Korea
Submitted by taweporn on Mon, 17/11/2014 - 17:20 The Education Minister and the North Korean Ambassador to Thailand mutually agreed that the education systems of both countries are rather similar and plan to develop ties by educational exchanges. According to the Office of the Minister Newsline, Admiral Narong Pipatanasai, the Thai Education Minister, his Deputy Teerakiat Jareonsettasin, and Permanent Secretary Suthasri Wongsamarn met with Mun Song Mo, the Ambassador of the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea on Friday at GovernmentHouse. The two agreed that the educational systems of both countries are similar. The similar elements include free 12-year basic education. Moreover, a few students from North Korea come to Thailand tostudy. The Thai Education Minister proposed that the Ministry will talk with Thai universities with a view to an exchange programme with North Korean universities. Meanwhile, the North Korean Ambassador said the country has education as one of the nation’s priorities and wished to have exchange programmes on education with Thailand in the near future.