The final alternative was to test a model opening the price/quality
relationship. Previous research has shown a positive price/quality relationship
under some conditions, such as when price is the only extrinsic cue to quality
(Dodds et al., 1991). However, Faulds et al. (1994), in a study of five developed
countries, found a low price/quality relationship for consumer goods in general.
As a result, no relationship was anticipated, and none was found. The
parameter was both weak (0.034) and insignificant (t-value = 0.411). The model
was, not surprisingly, not significantly better than one without the path being
opened: chi-square difference: (2 = 155.60 (df = 75)) ± (2 = 155.44 (df = 74)) =
(2 = 0.56 (df = 1); p > 0.10).