This is my home. I live in Yala . my address is 149 pittayapark road Sateng Muang Yala 95000.
My home has a total of six people. my home have parent, brother, sister and aunt. Sometimes every Saturday - Sunday my cousin will stay overnight at my home. my home like a big family. My house has 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 1 room, 1 kitchen , 1 living room and deck.
My home has a small area behind the house to play and and enjoy the view. Yes! behind the house have natural to see and many birds as well. If a morning or night, if you stand on the second floor or on the deck, you can see the Yala town with tree hill out of sight. Atmospheric haze surrounding At night, you can see light around the city. The moon and stars are surrounded. My front yard to plant grass and flowers. Near my house, I raise chickens, geese and cats.