4. Conclusion
The Danish population consume as a 95th percentile 16–20 g of
processed meat per day primarily consisting of sausages, salami, pork
flank (spiced and boiled) and ham. The exposure to VNA by the consumption
of processed meat was found to be low (0.34–1.1 ng kg
bw−1 day−1), whereas the exposure to NVNA was considerably higher
(33–90 ng kg bw−1 day−1). Adults (15–75 year old) and children (4–6
year old) consume almost the same amount of processed meat per
day, resulting in a higher exposure for children because of their lower
body weight. The calculated MOE (≥17,000) for the VNA exposure
indicates that this is of low concern. In order to assess the significantly
higher exposure to NVNAs the carcinogenic potential of these
NAs needs to be elucidated.